
2024 EWA General Assembly in Barcelona

The EWA General Assembly was held on June 4th in Barcelona under the chairmanship of Emil Schubert (CEO of IBG) – The assembly

• validated the candidacy of ELECTRO PORTUGAL and MESSER CUTTING  who are now members of the association.

• appointed 2 new Vice presidents: Luigi Frasson (CEO of INE – Italy) and Frederic Lanz (CEO of KEMPER – Germany)

The EWA Board of Directors is composed until the 2025 assembly of Emil Schubert (President) and 3 vice Presidents (Gary Konarska, Luigi Frasson and Frederic Lanz)

Emil Schubert thanked Luca Manzini and Harald Scherleitner who have served as vice President for 4 years, for their commitment to the development of EWA

EWA technical committee ” Health and safety equipment “

The EWA technical committee of European manufacturers of welding protection and safety equipment met on april 18 at Yaskawa’s premises in Frankfurt. The committee is made up of top European experts from the manufacturers.  Chaired by Manfred Koenning, the committee is currently working on a document concerning fumes emitted during welding and cutting operations, entitled “Introduction in methods of prevention and extraction of welding fume”. This document will be published shortly.

Medical implants ( as pacemakers …) during electric welding and cutting operations

EWA has published a new document of recommandations for people having a medical devices during elctric welding and cutting operations.

EWA will be present at the 2023 Schweissen und Schneiden – Hall 1 – Stand 1 D20

2023 EWA General Assembly

The 2023 General  Assembly was held on 16 June in Istanbul. At this meeting

  •  The candidacy of DONALDSON, a company specialising in the filtration and treatment of welding fumes, was validated.
  •  Emil Schubert (CEO of Abicor Binzel) was unanimously re-elected as Chairman of EWA for a further 2 years.

EWA will be present at the 2023 Essen Schweissen und Schneiden fair – Hall 1 – Stand 1D20

Electro magnetic field during electric arc welding and cutting operations

EWA has published a new document of recommandations to minimize the effects of electro-magnetic field during the electric arc welding operations.



Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE) for users of flame equipment

Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE) for users of flame equipment

The work of EWA’s technical committees is oriented towards publishing recommendations to improve the safe use of welding and cutting equipment.
After having published several recommendations on the safe use of equipment producing flames, the technical committee of manufacturers of flame equipment has published a document concerning the personal protective equipment which must be used during welding, brazing or cutting operations using flame

EWA and IIW Statement on the possible inclusion of “welding+ fumes”

EWA and IIW Statement on the possible inclusion of “welding+ fumes” in Annex 1 of the CMRD

The European Union has started a series of actions to discuss the possibility of having fumes from welding and allied processes (“welding + fumes”) listed as carcinogenic in the CMRD Directive (Directive 2004/37/EC – carcinogens, mutagens or reprotoxic substances at work). EWA has expressed his position in a position paper.

EWA has addressed this position to the DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion which is in charge of the study.

IIW (International Institute of welding) have also taken a position regarding this study :

EWA position and IIW position are supported by EWF  (European welding Federation)

EWA invited all the companies concerned to answer the survey before March 3

Meeting IIW – EWA

Visit at GE Power in Birr, Switzerland. Impressive plant with high-end welding technology. Thanks to Sorin Keller for the tour and the hospitality.
Main purpose of the visit was to start a more intensive cooperation between European Welding Association (EWA) and International Institute of Welding (IIW). Thanks to the participants : Emil Scubert ( EWA President ),  Luca Costa (CEO of IIW), Guy Missiaen (GM of EWA) and of course to Sorin Keller (President IIW) for the fruitful discussions!

Technical committee Health and safety equipment

The new EWA technical committee concerning  equipment which ensure  the health and safety of welders was  created at the end of 2021. 3 working meetings took place in 2022. The 12 members of this technical committee are European experts from 8 different countries. The members elected Manfred Koenning as President, animator of the technical committee. Manfred has more than 30 years of experience in fume extraction systems and is active in standardization processes, Manfred  is a member of Association of German Engineers (VDI), German welding association (DVS), Association of German Mechanical and Plant Engineering (VDMA) and the REArc Initiative of BGHM.

New EWA members

The EWA 2022 General assembly have  validated the candidacy of 3 new members , on June 3 :

  • ENGMAR,  a French company  involved in the design and development
    of industrial extraction solutions
  • GYS, a French company designing and producing welding and cutting equipment , battery chargers and car body repair equipment
  • LORCH , a German company designing and producing welding  equipment



2022 EWA General Assembly in Frankfurt

The 2022 EWA General Assembly met on June 3 in Frankfurt. During this assembly a new vice-president was appointed  :Miguel Ángel Sisamón Barranco from the company Lincoln Electric. Following this appointment, the association’s management committee is composed of Emil Schubert (from Abicor-Binzel) President and 3 vice-presidents Luca Manzini (from Anasta), Harald Scherleitner (from Fronius), and Miguel Ángel Sisamón Barranco . The assembly warmly thanked Deger Elove (from Magma) for his contribution during 4 years as vice-president

Flame equipment : for safe use , take care of fake products and counterfeits

The European producers of equipment to implement the flame welding and cutting processes (grouped together within EWA) are concerned with ensuring the safety of the equipment used and the users . To this end, they wish to draw the attention of users to fake products . 3 information documents were published by the EWA technical committee . They concern the flash back arrestors, the torches and the pressure regulators /


New EWA Members

Within the framework of a new group of producers, the executive committee of EWA validated the candidacy of 2 new members: the Italian company CORAL and the Dutch company PLYMOVENT. These 2 companies are  specialized in fume extraction and air treatment and produce equipment in Europe dedicated to improving the health and safety of welders.

EWA welding exposure scenario have been updated on 2021 June

EWA has updated the Welding Exposure Scenario ( WES) on 2021 June . WES are   recommendations for exposure scenarios, risk management measures and to identify operational conditions under which metals, alloys and metallic articles may be safely welded.

WES – EWA-TCC-458-2021-05 – English- (002)

WES are translated in 21 languages and can be found by click on the logo health and safety.




2021 EWA General Assembly

During the general assembly held on June 4, 2021, the members of EWA elected Emil Schubert, CEO of ABICOR Binzel, as  President of EWA until the general assembly of 2023

For the period 2021-2022 the EWA management committee is composed with

  • Emil Schubert President ( Germany)
  • Deger Elove Vice President ( Turkey)
  • Harald Scherleitner Vice President ( Austria)
  • Luca Manzini  Vice President ( Italy)
  • Guy Missiaen General Manager ( France )

All members of the association warmly thanked Robert Stoeckl for his presidency from 2017 to 2021 and the progress made by the association during this period.

RE-arc project from DVS / Germany

EWA is supporting the RE-arc ( Reduce Exposures in arc welding )  project of DVS . The initiative has two main targets: Research to lower fume emissions and information about health risks and possible measures to protect welders and bystanders

link to presentation : Re ARC project

EWA statement

EWA has published a statement on the compliance of welding equipment with EC product directives  and particularly the risks linked with the wire feeder

EWA Statements


EIGA ( European Gas Association) has launched an e-learning platform

Oxygen eLearning

This eLearning focuses on oxygen safety – a key safety topic for the industrial gases industry. It is intended as awareness training for new and developing engineers, but it can also be used by a much wider audience, such as providing safety awareness information to users, suppliers and manufacturers. The training features knowledge and experience from EIGA members foremost experts on oxygen safety and is combined into an eLearning package that can be delivered to users at a time and place of their own convenience. Users can complete the whole package in one go, or dip in and out as time permits. The training also features a number of training videos to supplement and enhancehe learning experience.

EWA Technical document on electric hazards when using an arc welding equipment

Technical information on Electric welding equipment

The EWA technical committee for electric welding equipment has written a technical information document concerning the safe use of a arc welding equipment and a list of recommendations  to protect the users

This document exists in English on the link

New members

EWA has begun the creation of a new group of companies specializing in production of ” health and safety” equipment for  welders
The membership of 3 companies was validated by a vote of the EWA Executive Committee , in October :

  • KEMPER , a German company specializing in products for welding fumes suction and occupational health and safety
  • NEDERMAN, a Swedish company developing on industrial air filtration solutions
  • OPTREL , a Swiss company, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of eye-, face- and head protection products, respiratory protection solutions and active sunglasses

Existing members producing also products for health protection of welders will be part of this new group

EWA Management team for the period 2020-2021

During the 2020 General Assembly , EWA members confirmed the appointment of 2 new Vice Presidents for the period 2020-2022

  • Harald Scherleitner – FRONIUS – Global Director Sales & Marketing Business Unit Perfect Welding – Austria
  • Luca Manzini -Manager of ANASTA – Italy

EWA General Assembly confirms a second mandate as Vice President for

  • Deger Elove, CEO of MAGMA – Turkey.

The composition of the EWA Management team for the period 2020-2021, will be :

  • Robert Stoeckl / President
  • Deger Elove / Vice President
  • Harald Scherleitner / Vice President
  • Luca Manzini / Vice President
  • Guy Missiaen / General Manager

EWA members thank Nicolas Parascandolo ( SYMOP) and Emil Schubert ( ABRICOR-BINZEL) for their active participation, as Vice President ,  in the management of the association during the last 4 years


Vincent van der Mee appointed Chair of Technical committee ” welding consumables “

  • After 18 years being the chair of the Technical committee “welding consumables” and after 55 years professional work in the welding industry , Leo van Nassau will transfer his chairmanship to a qualified successor, Vincent van der Mee, becoming retired from Lincoln Europe. Vincent has thankfully been accepted by the EWA Executive committee and will be effective per January 1, 2021. All
    EWA members thank Leo for his commitment to defending and promoting the welding industry. We wish him a happy retirement

Welding Exposure Scenario ( WES) – updated 2020 March

EWA, established a collaboration with IIW , EUROFER and other associations , working on Health and Safety issues. As a result of this cooperation, EWA issues a document describing   the recommendations for exposure scenarios, risk management measures and to identify operational conditions under which metals, alloys and metallic articles may be safely welded.

The documents describing the recommendations for exposure scenarios (in English, in pdf format) are stored   the “Health and Safety” tool box . Their translations in the main European languages will be progressively added

Protection of Welders

Following the recommendations of the Executive committee , EWA General Assembly has decided to intensify its communication and provide recommendations on the safety and protection equipment for welders.  In this context EWA would like to associate the main European manufacturers of welding fume extraction systems and protection equipment  to join their association. The process will start at the next Executive committee on November 19th 2019 in Frankfurt.

New chairman for Flame equipment technical committee

The members of the technical committee has elected Luca Manzini as new chairman ,  on March 20th  / Luca Manzini is General manager of Anasta ( Italy )  and member of EWA Executive  committtee / Luca was at the origin of the creation of the EWA Flame group in 2014

Technical information on flame equipment

The technical committee for flame equipment has written 3 technical information documents concerning the use of equipment for the implementation of flame technology. These 3 documents are intended to specify the composition of an installation for a safe use but also recommendations for commissioning, maintenance and for the use of safety devices

These documents exist in German, English, French and Italian on the link


EWA Management team for the period 2018-2020

During the 2018 General Assembly in Finland , EWA members confirmed the appointment of a new Vice President : Deger Elove, CEO of MAGMA – Turkey.  The composition of Management team   was confirmed for the period 2018-2019 , with

  • Robert Stoeckl / President
  • Deger Elove / Vice President
  • Emil Schubert / Vice President
  • Nicolas Parascandolo / Vice President
  • Guy Missiaen / General Manager

EWA Technical information on flame equipment

EWA’s technical committee “Flame Equipment” is composed of experts from the main European producers of equipment for “flame” applications. Their work over the last two years has led to the preparation of 3 technical information to improve safety for using or maintenance of these equipment

  • General recommendations to use a flame equipment
  • Technical information on maintenance of flame equipment
  • Technical information on safety devices for flame equipment

These 3 documents are available on the EWA website and will be reviewed regularly:

Flame applications

EWA members supply equipment to implement flame technology and its applications in gas welding, flame straightening, Flame gouging, flame cutting, flame blasting, flame brazing, flame heating, flame spraying

The link here below present a video on these processes  – this video has been prepared by VDMA and their members


Meeting between EWA and Japan Welding Material Association

During the welding Fair  in Düsseldorf ( 25/09 till 29/09 September ), EWA’s Management Committee met with members of the Japan Welding Materials Association (JWMA) – This is the second time that the two associations meet / the subjects covered allowed to compare the functioning of the two associations and the technical trends of the welding industry


EWA is sponroring WELDCUP during “Schweissen und Schneiden 2017 ” in Dusseldorf /25.09. – 29.09.2017

EWA is sponsoring  WELDCUP

During  SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2017 : different competitions will take place for the best up-and-coming welders from Germany and abroad.

  • Germany’s 12th DVS competition “Jugend schweißt” [Young welders] forms the opening act, in which the search is for Germany’s most talented up-and-coming welders.
  • This will be followed by the European WELDCUP / Directly after the DVS “Young Welders” Competition, talented up-and-coming welders from the whole of Europe will come up against each other in the WELDCUP.
  • The International Competition. There will once more be a brisk onrush at the welders’ cabins at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN. Young welders from all over the world will be able to take part in this event and gauge themselves against each other.

2017 GA in Linz – Austria / EWA members elected a new President : Robert Stoeckl

  • The EWA 2017 General Assembly was held in LINZ, Austria on June 9th / During this meeting, Robert Stoeckl was elected President until the General Assembly 2019 / The General Assembly also confirmed the composition of the Steering Committee: Robert Stoeckl, President / Nicolas Parascandolo,  Vice President /  Emil Schubert, Vice President and Guy Missiaen, General Manager until the General Assembly 2018.
  • At the end of the meeting, Robert Stoeckl as the new President warmly thanked Maurice Mann for the work carried out during the 5 years of his presidency.
  • The 2018 General Assembly will be held in Finland on 2018 June 8th

EWM joins EWA

  • EWM founded in 1957 has decided to join EWA – EWM is Germany’s largest welding machine manufacturer with a strong global presence with more than 600 employees at several German and international locations, plus further sales and service partners worldwide.
  • EWM has numerous highly innovative developments and a comprehensive range of products and services for the industry. The company is one of the primary technology drivers in welding processes and equipment offering a premium quality
  • EWM will be part of EWA Executive committee and Electric equipment Technical committee.




  • EWA, in cooperation with EUROFER and EUROMETAUX, established a document describing the recommendations for exposure scenarios, risk management measures and to identify operational conditions under which metals, alloys and metallic articles may be safely welded.
  • These  documents are visible by clicking  on the Health and Safety logo

EWA Website

A new version of EWA Website will be available from february 15th

EWA Board

During the last General Assembly ( 2016 October 18th) , 2 new  Vice Presidents were elected : Emil Schubert ( Abicor Binzel) and Nicolas Parascandolo ( SYMOP – French welding Association )

The Board of EWA is now composed with :

  • Mr Maurice Mann – President
  • Mr  Nicolas Parascandolo – Vice President
  • Mr  Emil Schubert – Vice President
  • Mr  Robert Stoeckl – Vice President

The  President and the members of  the Management committee  thank warmly Alexander  Fliess for his role as EWA Vice President during the last 4 years

IIW (International Institute of Welding) and EWA signed an agreement for technical collaboration

(International Institute of Welding)

June 16th, the representatives of IIW (International Institute of Welding – CEO Cecile Mayer) and EWA (European Welding association – General Manger Guy Missiaen) signed a memorandum of understanding to define a collaboration between the 2 organizations in order to share technical information and to promote solution regarding particularly health and safety issues in welding industry

3 New EWA Statements

In 2016 March, after technical committees, EWA publishes 3 new statements concerning

  • Application of EMF Directive 2013/35/EU – Revision 3
  • Importer’s liabilities
  • Application of Directive 2001/95/EC on general product safety – Revision 2

All EWA statements are available on the EWA website



  • WELDING ALLOYS Group founded in 1966 by Jan Stekly has decided to join EWA – WELDING ALLOYS has more than 1200 skilled employees and promote their products and services in 150 countries, with 40 subsidiaries
  • WELDING ALLOYS ( WA ) , is one of the largest producers of hardfacing, cladding and joining wires in the world – WA supplies : flux cored wires , electrodes , welding equipment and services ( Integra , harded face plates…)
  • WELDING ALLOYS will be part of EWA executive committee and Electric Equipment Technical committee

OTC – DAIHEN Europe joins EWA

  • OTC – DAIHEN Europe has decided to join EWA, from 2016 January – OTC DAIHEN Europe is the daughter company of the DAIHEN Corporation in Japan and was established in October 1983 as OTC EUROPE GmbH in Ratingen- Germany / the company is now located in Mönchengladbach and has a production unit in Slovenia (DAIHEN VARSTROJ)
  • With around 250 employees OTC-DAIHEN Europe produces and supplies welding equipment and welding robot systems in Europe.
  • OTC-DAIHEN Europe will be part of EWA executive committee and Electric equipment Technical committee

Yldiz gas joins EWA

  • YILDIZ GAZ ARMATURLERI SAN.TIC. A.S., founded in 1979 has decided to join EWA from 2015 September – YILDIZ GAZ with more than 150 well-qualified employees and with 18.000 m² closed factory area of ISTANBUL / Turkey is one of the key producer of gaz equipment in Europe
  • YILDIZ GAZ will be part of EWA executive committee and Flame equipment Technical committee

EWA General Assembly in Stockholm

The General Assembly approves the nomination of 2 new Vice presidents, A Genoni and R Stoeckl, selected by the Executive Committee in Milan, 2015 March 19th.
The EWA Management team, till 2016 General assembly, will be composed by

  • M. Maurice Mann – President (ratified in 2015 in Amsterdam)
  • Ms. Adele Genoni – Vice President
  • M. Alexander Fliess – Vice President (ratified in 2015 in Amsterdam)
  • M. Robert Stoeckl – Vice president
  • M. Guy Missiaen – General manager (ratified in 2015 in Amsterdam)

EWA Code of conduct

EWA code of Conduct was presented and commented to all EWA members (Members of Executive committee and members of the different Technical Committee) – All members agree to respect the code of conduct during all meeting and informal communication – Here joined the Code of conduct


  • HARRIS, joined EWA from July 2015 and will participate actively in the Technical Flame equipment committee
  • The Harris Products Group design, produce and supply brazing, soldering, welding consumables, gas apparatus and flow control equipment, providing solutions and value added services for OEM’s in the HVACR, Industrial, Mining, Medical and Aerospace industries
  • The Harris Products Group employees 594 people world wide, of which 209 in Europe
  • Based in Mason, Ohion – USA, The Harris Products Group has five manufacturing locations in four countries ( one in Poland ) and a worldwide network of distributors and sales offices covering more than 90 countries – 11% of HARRIS sales are done in Europe
  • Harris is a company of Lincoln Electric
  • The representative of HARRIS in EWA is Fabio Pedracolli Managing Director of Harris Products Group International

2015 GCE joins EWA

  • Gas Control Equipment (GCE) , having extensive operations in Europe and worldwide joined EWA from May 2015 and will participate actively in the Technical Flame equipment committee
  • GCE Head quarter is based in Sweden
  • GCE main production units are in Czech republic and in China – GCE has 20 subsidiaries round the world and approximatively 900 people
  • 35% of GCE sales are Flame equipment
  • The representative of GCE in EWA is Fabrice Faucard Managing Director Cutting & Welding technologies

Evolution of EWA Management – 2014

  • After the 2014 General Assemblée, EWA members has appointed, till May 2016
    • Maurice Man as President
    • Alexander Fliess as Vice President
    • Guy Missiaen as General Manager
  • President Maurice Mann and members thanked Giovanni Predrazzo, for the work done in the group “statistics” and his active participation in the executive committee as Vice President during the last 2 years
  • President Maurice Mann and members thanked Jean Paul Bugaud, for his active participation as General Manager of the association, the last 3 years, and wished him an excellent retirement time

Castolin joined EWA, as new member

  • Castolin- Eutectic ,subsidiary of Messer Group, having extensive operations in Europe joined EWA from beginning 2014
  • Castolin – Eutectic offers a wide range of consumable products and welding equipment Castolin – Eutectic is , also , specialized on surface protection and repair
  • Castolin – Eutectic masters fusion technologies, welding, brazing and thermal coating
  • Castolin – Eutectic business areas are: Castolin – Eutectic has 1,500 employees with over 700 highly qualified engineers
    • Industrial surface protection
    • Manufacture of high-performance components and equipment
    • Specialist workshops for repair, surface layer welding and anti-wear coating

2013 – Sept. Creation of Flame equipment group

  • The “Gas Eurosoud” Association which included manufacturers of equipment for gas welding (Blow pipes, regulators and accessories) was dissolved in 2003 – Several members of Gas Eurosoud were part of EWA (European Welding Association) – The concerned members worked for creating a new group of gas equipment (Flame)
  • The 2013 General Assemblée of EWA has confirmed the creation of the group – The group already has 7 members or associations representing 4 countries and distributing their products in all European contries – this group is specifically met 2 times a year on topics of common interest – Corporate leaders of this group participate in the executive committee of EWA and its General Assemblée
  • This group is in a phase of growth and the number of its members will increased in the coming years

European Youth Welding Competition

EWA has decided to engage with EWF (The European Welding Federation) in support of the European Youth Welding Contest, a welding competition whose finals will take place during the next 2013 Schweissen und Schneiden Exhibition in Essen (Germany). Details will be planned during a meeting in September, in Hamburg with EWF and DVS.